sneaky snowstorm

My company recently opened up our first office outside of SF…in London!  I spent a good amount of time training our new friends, and we’re trying to come up with ways to make sure our company culture persists across the pond and our counterparts feel included.

Thus, I organized a surprise snowstorm!  I put snowflake making materials – in our brand’s color, of course! – out on a table for a few days and watched as the pile grew.  This further confirms my belief that everyone wants to be creative given the opportunity.  And it turns out that our company has some really skilled snowflake-makers!  I also really liked seeing people write little notes on their snowflakes.  I can’t wait to see a photo of what they do with these things once they arrive in London~

About M.Amaral

Artist, Technologist, Librarian, Biologist.

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